Why Use Organic Fruits And Vegetables For Juicing

Why Juice Organically?

Your search for juicing recipes that enhance digestion, detoxify, energize, revitalize, or aid in recuperation is likely motivated by your desire to feed your body healthy nutrients.

Making your own juice is a terrific method to improve your health. For the following three main reasons,

It’s a productive method of obtaining nutrients from salads, fruits, and vegetables.

It greatly facilitates eating more salads, fruits, and veggies.

It greatly facilitates the consumption of a greater range of fruits, vegetables, and salads.

Although consuming some juice is better than no juice at all, the BEST way of benefiting from your juicing recipes is to make them using ONLY organic ingredients and to drink them as soon after preparation as possible.

Why you should only create your juices using organic ingredients:

When you juice non-organic fresh fruits, vegetables and salads that have been grown using pesticides made with chemicals, you are not only consuming the nutrients, but also the chemicals in the pesticides. That’s why it’s always best to grow your own fruits, vegetables and salads, but when that’s not possible, you should always buy organic. Some people argue that peeling and washing non-organic produce will remove all of the pesticide chemicals – but this is not true. Many of the chemicals from pesticides are stored inside the fibres of the fruits and vegetables themselves making it impossible to remove the bulk of the chemicals, whereas organic produce is free from chemicals so you’ll only be getting the goodness from your juices.

Why you should drink your juice quickly after preparation (and avoid storing for days):

When you remove protective skins and change the composition of your fruits, vegetables and salads from solids to liquids, oxidisation begins to take place immediately. Oxidisation destroys the enzymes in juice. If you make your juices using non-organic ingredients and leave it to oxidise for too long before consuming, then oxidisation will kill some of the chemicals from the pesticides, but it will also kill the beneficial enzymes and nutrients in your juice – which is bad news if you want to reap the full health benefits of your juice. If you’re juicing using organic ingredients, then you don’t need to worry about chemicals, but we recommend that you drink your organic juice pronto once it’s made in order to fully benefit from its nutritional benefits. If you need to juice in advance then make sure you keep the juices in the fridge until you are ready to drink them.
People gravitate toward juicing or blending for a variety of reasons. Let’s explore some comparisons between organic juicing/blending vs non-organic juicing/blending. When done right, these drinks can improve your skin, fight aging, reduce stress, and even help you lose weight. Juicing fresh produce, such as with a Vitamix, maximizes the nutrients in your fruits and vegetables by breaking them down into their bio nutrient components. Whenever possible, it is important to start the process with organic produce. Let’s explore why this is so essential.

Organic fruits and vegetables are purer than their non-organic counterparts. They aren’t coated in hazardous pesticides, and they didn’t begin their lives genetically modified. Some studies even suggest that organic produce tastes better. Still, that’s not the biggest reason you should opt for organic.

When you juice or blend produce, the resulting liquid is a concentrated version of what you started with. This is great when we are talking about healthy nutrients. However, if you begin with non-organic produce that has traces of toxic contaminants, those harmful parts will also become more concentrated. Those chemicals will be assimilated into your body’s tissues faster and more effectively. That’s a scary thought!

Understandably, you might be tempted to opt for conventionally grown produce when you go to the market and note the cost difference. Keep in mind that a few extra dollars is worth the price of better health. If organic is still out of your price range, seek out local growers or visit farmers’ markets where prices are generally lower. At the very least, steer clear of the dirty dozen. For example, always buy organic apples, peaches, berries, spinach, or kale.

The bottom line is that juicing non-organic produce can be counterproductive. If you are juicing to improve your health and boost your nutritional intake, be sure to opt for organic produce as much as possible to avoid introducing harmful chemicals into your body. Your intentions for good health are pure. Let your juices and smoothies remain pure too!

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